Exploring Modernization In The Field Of Estate Planning

Exploring Modernization In The Field Of Estate Planning

Edward Khidirov
October 11, 2023

As the world progresses, so too must we as a society. This is why modernization is so important in various fields and industries in Canada. In recent years, various fields and industries in Canada have begun to explore and adopt modernized approaches.

This has been driven by different factors, such as the need to remain competitive in a global market, the ever-changing needs of customers and clients, and the desire to improve efficiency and productivity. 

Ways Modernization Is Implemented 

There are several different ways in which modernization can be implemented, and each field or industry will have its own unique challenges and opportunities.

Some of the common themes that are being addressed include the use of new technologies, the streamlining of processes, and the introduction of new business models. In many cases, modernization is resulting in significant improvements for businesses and organizations, including increased sales, higher levels of customer satisfaction, and reduced costs. 

One of the most notable instances of modernization in Canada is the country's transportation system. Through the development of new technologies and infrastructure, the transportation system has become much more efficient and effective, positively impacting the economy as businesses find it easier to move goods and services around the country.

Another example would be modernization's effect on estate planning. Continue reading to learn more.

What's Estate Planning?

Estate planning is making sure one's assets are distributed how they want them to be after they die. This includes creating a will, trusts, and other financial planning tools. This is paramount because it allows a client to control what happens to their assets after they die.

There are some things to consider when estate planning, such as preserving and managing assets during one's lifetime and distributing them according to your wishes after one's death. Here's a point-by-point exploration of estate planning:

1. Preservation of Assets

As a person ages, it's key to take steps to protect their assets during their lifetime to ensure ownership post-death. This includes things like creating a will, setting up trusts, and making financial plans.

To be more particular, trusts in one's estate plan can be a great way to help manage assets, as they can help minimize taxes on their investments. This can be especially helpful for the person's loved ones in the future.

2. Management of Assets

It's also important to make sure that one's assets are managed in a way that is consistent with their wishes. This can be done by appointing a trusted individual to manage one's affairs in the event that they are unable to do so themselves.

This can include making arrangements for the payment of debts and the handling of assets.

3. Distribution of Assets

Estate planning can also help a client distribute their assets after their death. This can be done through a will, which can specify how one wants their assets to be distributed. It's also possible to utilize trusts to distribute one's assets.

Focusing on the distribution of assets can provide more flexibility and control over how one's assets are distributed. This can be especially helpful for complex financial holdings or if the client wants to provide for specific individuals or charities.

What's Pre-Modernization Estate Planning Typically Like?

These days, many people come to their estate planning attorneys with a number of different questions. They may want to discuss the best way to protect their assets, how to plan for retirement, or how to leave their assets to their loved ones.

Estate planning would typically entail a manual recording of one's assets, estate, and financial goals. Once you have a better understanding of their financial situation, you can provide them with various estate plan options. The terms of their chosen estate plan would be put down in writing and documentation.

What Are the Disadvantages of Pre-Modernization Estate Planning?

In the past, estate planning was typically a one-time event. This means that one would go through the process of estate planning once, and then it would be complete. This can be a problem if the person gets married, divorced, or have children later in life.

After all, they may not have made plans for these life events, which can create problems. Addressing these shifts is even tougher, given that documentation is not automated or modernized. Going through the process again and updating their documents can be time-consuming and difficult, especially if they don't have all the original documentation.

How Can Post-Modernization Estate Planning Help Planners?

Post-modernization estate planning can help planners in a few ways. First, it can help to ensure that one's estate planning documents are up-to-date. This can save you time and hassle in the future, as you won't have to track down old documents or worry about whether your client's plans are still valid.

Second, post-modernization estate planning can help you to make changes to your client's plans more easily. This can be helpful if they experience a major life event, such as getting married, divorced, or having children. Finally, post-modernization estate planning can help you to automate some of the estate planning processes, preventing hassle and wasted time.

How Has Post-Modernization Estate Planning Come to Light?

The concept of post-modernization estate planning has come to light in recent years as a response to the increasing complexity of estate planning. As people's lives have become more complicated, traditional estate planning methods have become less effective. This has led to the need for a more flexible and adaptable approach to estate planning.

Post-modernization estate planning seeks to simplify the estate planning process by automating some of the tasks involved with a variety of tools, such as estate planning software. Utilizing these platforms and adopting this approach can make it easier for planners to keep their plans up-to-date and to make changes when necessary.


No matter what area you look at, modernization is vital to estate planning, both for you and your clients. This automates, simplifies, and improves the process of estate planning.

In need of software that can make estate planning in Ontario easier? Estateably offers modern estate and trust administration software for professionals. Try it out today!

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